Would you let a 6’3 Jewish man breed you?

Would you let a 6’3 Jewish man breed you?

44 thoughts on “Would you let a 6’3 Jewish man breed you?

  1. To the people in the comments wilding out about Palestine, what does that have to do with this handsome man and his cock? No one comes to this subreddit for your moral aggrandizing, especially when you get your opinions from TikTok. Just enjoy the nice cock and leave politics at the door.

  2. Breed and fill me till every last drop, and invite your top friends to do the same after that 🥵🥵💦💦💦💦

  3. A Jew, a Muslim, a gypsy, anyone who sees an attractive physique, would try to fuck with me without problems, even if they lose in the attempt.

  4. My biggest wish it to have sex with all Jewish men as possible. Something about your people turns me on like a tesla coil. Specially so if it’s a IDF soldier.

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